May 15, 2018

Manila City Council members voted to approve the purchase of a work truck, accepted a resignation, and agreed to offer Lisa Smith a job in the city hall office during a special called meeting Monday, May 7. Mayor Wayne Wagner recommended the approval of purchasing a 2500 Dodge work truck through state bids for $24,331. The truck will be used by Henry Ford, water/sewer supervisor. The council approved the purchase...

Manila City Council members voted to approve the purchase of a work truck, accepted a resignation, and agreed to offer Lisa Smith a job in the city hall office during a special called meeting Monday, May 7.

Mayor Wayne Wagner recommended the approval of purchasing a 2500 Dodge work truck through state bids for $24,331. The truck will be used by Henry Ford, water/sewer supervisor. The council approved the purchase.

Mayor Wagner read a letter from Janet Davidson stating her plans for retirement effective May 15. Mayor Wagner said all of her vacation days and sick days will be up to date by May 15.

The board voted to accept her resignation.

The council then voted unanimously to offer an office job to Lisa Smith at $11 an hour starting June 4.

Mayor Wagner then recommended, and the council approved, giving two office employees, Carla Brewer and Susie Baker, a 50 cent an hour raise.

Mayor Wagner said the Lions Club will host a fundraiser youth ball tournament at the park Thursday, May 31 - Saturday, June 2. Volunteer umpires will be needed.

Mayor Wagner updated the council on the senior center building under construction saying the company said it will be finished by the contract date in June.

“I will be meeting with the Highway Department tomorrow to discuss the possible need for lights at the intersections on the new four-lane highway,” Mayor Wagner said. There will be a ribbon cutting officially opening the new highway at 11 a.m. Thursday, May 31.

The next regular city council meeting will be moved to 5 p.m. Monday, May 21, due to the Memorial Day holiday.
