Caraway Mayor Barry Riley and council members discussed selling three acre lots on Payne Street near the fish pond during the city council meeting May 10. Mayor Riley said there is an interest.
Jeremy Garland, who was present at the meeting, said he was interested in the center lot and Adam Carpenter was interested in the other two lots.
Mayor Riley said another person had already asked to be considered for one of the lots if and when the council decided to sell.
Mr. Carpenter arrived at the meeting and the council asked him if he would consider buying one of the acre lots on Payne Street and purchasing the second acre lot located across the street.
He was agreeable in the location of the two lots.
Mayor Riley said he would get the paperwork done and get back with the potential buyers.
Mayor Riley asked the wishes of the council how to sell the property on 410 State Street now owned by the city.
“Do you want to take sealed bids,” he said.
The city has $7,450 in the property.
“The fairest way to sell the property would be to take sealed bids with the minimum of what we have in it,” Councilman Bo James said. “There is no favoritism with a sealed bid.”
The city will advertise for sealed bids.
Later in the meeting the council approved the selling of a lot near the new apartments to Chris James. A house will be built on the lot.
Mayor Riley informed the council property on Missouri Street had been signed over to the city.
The council voted unanimously to pay $3,500 for fireworks for the Fourth of July celebration.
The council accepted the resignation of Clint Wallace from the Park Commission. Mr. Wallace sent a letter informing the council due to time, he would not be able to serve.
The council voted to appoint Brian Barnes to fill the five year position.
Garland, Park Commission chairman, attended the meeting and talked about work being done at the park and requested help with moving of the dugouts.
Garland said several games and a tournament have been played at the park and they will use the back field while the large field in being worked on. He said the junior high boys baseball team and junior high girls softball teams are interested in scheduling games in Caraway.
“We want to bring Riverside teams back to Caraway,” Garland said. “We are part of Riverside.
He informed the council Roger Bell had donated a PA system and Bells Sod Farm donated sod for the larger field.
“We appreciate everyone who has helped,” Garland said.
They also discussed adding a basketball goal, renovations to the tennis court and new nets.
Councilman Jerry Martin said if the kids will utilize it he is for it.
Councilman Roger Bell thanked Garland and the commission for all of the work they are doing.
The council voted to help up to $2,100 for the dugouts. Mr. Garland said he would have three estimates for the work at the next meeting.
Mayor Riley also reminded the council if the park commission receives a matching grant for the scoreboards, the city will need to help with the cost.
Terry Couch, water and superintendent manager, addressed the council about hiring a part-time assistant for the summer.
“I have the opportunity to hire a licensed man who is willing to work 29 hours a week at $16.50 an hour this summer while school is out,” Couch said. “I have a lot going on and this would help me tremendously.”
The council went into executive session to discuss the hiring.
The council voted 5-1 to accept Couch's recommendation.
Councilman Williams spoke briefly expressing his desire for the council to work together.
“Sometimes decisions we make are not easy,” he said. “We do what we think is best for the city. Sometimes I question myself about making the right decisions. I love this town. I, like any of you, could live anywhere else in the world but we choose to live here. When there is a need someone is there. I know you all love this town, also. Let's just keep working together. If we disagree, let's find common ground.”
Councilman Mitchell Tipton commented on the decision to hire the summer part-time help.
“We had to pay a price more than we wanted,” he said. “This is a temporary solution. We will be looking for a permanent solution. Terry (Couch) knows when he needs help, he needs it."
In other business:
*The council passed Ordinance 2018-04 to accept energy code.
*The council passed Resolution 2018-04 to accept street aid monies for Missouri Street, Cemetery Road.
*An update was given on property clean-up. Several ordinances have been delivered and one ticket was written. A discussion about regulations of junk vehicles was held. “Before we serve ordinances, we need to do our own property,” Councilman James said.
*Councilman Marvin Browning asked about a speed bump or lower speed limit be enforced on Jennings Drive for the safety of the children playing. It was decided to lower the speed limit and if that did not work consider the speed bumps.