The period for filing for county offices will begin on Thursday and continue through March 1.
The filing fees differ for each office, as well as which party a potential candidate files for.
Republican fees are $500 for county judge and sheriff, $400 for county clerk, circuit clerk, county assessor, county treasurer and county collector, $150 for justice of the peace, $100 for county surveyor and coroner and $50
for Republican Central Committee. Democrats’ fees are $1,875 for county judge and sheriff, $1,650 for county clerk, circuit clerk, county collector, county assessor and county treasurer, $250 for justice of the peace, $100 for county coroner, $50 for constable and $35 for Democratic Central Committee.
Republican fees can be paid at 702 W. Quinn in Osceola or at the Bush Thornton building, 1594 S. Division Street, Blytheville, from 1 p.m. to 6 p.m. on Monday, Wednesday, Friday or Saturday.
Democrat fees can be paid at Joe Harris’s office in Osceola, 604 S Walnut Street.
School board election filing will also begin Thursday and continue through March 1. To file a candidate must file a petition, political practices pledge, affidavit of eligibility and notice of candidacy with the County Clerk’s office.
The petition must contain the names of 20 registered voters who are residents within the electoral zone for the position.