October 3, 2017

Manila School Board approved the 2017-2018 budget at a special called meeting on Wednesday, Sept. 27. Superintendent Pam Castor and board members reviewed the proposed budget. Castor said she tried to prepare for any variables as the district moves farther along on the new high school building project. She explained each item has to be budgeted...

Manila School Board approved the 2017-2018 budget at a special called meeting on Wednesday, Sept. 27.

Superintendent Pam Castor and board members reviewed the proposed budget. Castor said she tried to prepare for any variables as the district moves farther along on the new high school building project. She explained each item has to be budgeted.

She went on to say she tried to cover what is needed and be prepared for any increases in fuel/utility costs.

The different areas include teacher salaries and operating/maintenance.

The board reviewed the complete budget including federal grants, activity fund, food service, teacher salaries, building fund, etc.

Board members present included President Tracey Reinhart, Jeremy Jackson, Danny Robbins, Johnny McCain, and newly elected member Monte Middleton. Board member Tommy Wagner was out of town and participated by conference call.

Before passing the budget, Castor discussed a proposal for land purchase. She said she had been contacted by a landowner asking if the district would be interested in purchasing 90 acres of land adjacent to land owned by the school. The land is inside the levee.

Castor said she appreciated the opportunity but after looking into the property and reviewing its history she could not recommend the purchase of the 90 acres at the appraisal price of $4,193 an acre. Castor said the overall appraisal price is probably an average of all of land owned by the family.

The board took no action.
