September 12, 2017

Manila Senior Rowdy Rosebrock earned the first Player of the Week award presented by J.P. Baugher with Farm Bureau. Rosebrock is on the offensive line, right tackle. He received a keepsake football for Player of Week #1 game, Manila vs. Westside. Rosebrock blocked well, Coach Jerry Castor said. He gave his teammates credit for helping him...

Manila Senior Rowdy Rosebrock named Player of the Week. J.P. Baugher with Farm Bureau presented Rosebrock with a football.
Manila Senior Rowdy Rosebrock named Player of the Week. J.P. Baugher with Farm Bureau presented Rosebrock with a football.

Manila Senior Rowdy Rosebrock earned the first Player of the Week award presented by J.P. Baugher with Farm Bureau. Rosebrock is on the offensive line, right tackle.

He received a keepsake football for Player of Week #1 game, Manila vs. Westside. Rosebrock blocked well, Coach Jerry Castor said. He gave his teammates credit for helping him.
