August 1, 2017

Lake City officials added members to the fire department, appointed new members to the planning and zoning commttee, increased the minimum amount on the asset list, approved the 2016 audit, increased police officers vacation days, reviewed bids, passed several ordinances and approved a bonus for work at the park at the regular July 24 meeting...

Lake City officials added members to the fire department, appointed new members to the planning and zoning commttee, increased the minimum amount on the asset list, approved the 2016 audit, increased police officers vacation days, reviewed bids, passed several ordinances and approved a bonus for work at the park at the regular July 24 meeting.

Council voted to add two volunteers, Cole Winford and Braden Peaster, to the Lake City Volunteer Fire Department. Each had been approved by Fire Chief Chris Snyder.

All council members were present including Tommy Eakins, Harold Barker, Brenda Hutcheson, Mike George, Toby Rand and Danny Dunigan.

Mayor Jon Milligan opened two sealed bids for a paving project of Hickory Street. Bids were submitted from Barker Bros. (no relation to Council member Barker), and Atlas Asphalt.

The council voted (6-0) to accept the bid of Atlas Asphalt for the paving of Hickory Street. Paving will begin at Fourth Street and continue to the city limits with a (22'x4052') two inch overlay.

Mayor Milligan also opened sealed bids for a mini track hoe. Heartland (Case) had a bid for a 27 horsepower and Hugg & Hall (Bobcat) had two bids for a 25 h.p. and a 32 h.p. All were equipped the same. Mayor Milligan asked that the decision be tabled until he could get another bid from Heartland for a fair comparison.

Mayor Milligan presented the Council with employee benefits as requested at last month's meeting. Police officers are given three weeks vacation at hire, mandated by the state. Some cities have chosen to increase police department vacation to four weeks to match employees of the city. Lake City employees receive four weeks vacation after 15 years of service.

Council approved a $500 end of the summer bonus for Daniel Haynes for running the ball park.

Mayor Milligan requested the Council appoint two new members, Paul McAnally and Michelle Davis, to the Planning and Zoning Committee. Both were accepted unanimously.

Also from the Planning and Zoning, Mayor Milligan said Cobb Family Partnership has requested to re-zone property located on Highway 18 to R-1.

Mayor Milligan introduced Michael Wright, speaking on behalf of his mother Rhonda Bruce, owner of property located at 510 Court Street.

Mr. Wright informed the council they are hoping to find a buyer for the burned out property before the next council meeting, Aug. 21. If not, he will bring the deed to the property to the council meeting and offer the property to the City. He will give it to the City to clean up with the stipulation the City build a park on the property dedicated to his grandmother, Charlene Effinger.

Mayor Milligan said Huffman Custom Hauling would clean the lot for a cost of $3,000.

The council agreed unanimously to allow Mr. Wright until Aug. 21 to try and sell the property and the City would proceed if he had the deed to the property at the next meeting.

Eddie McCall has asked to remove the old tower. After a brief discussion, the Council approved the request to remove the tower from the museum area with the stipulation McCall signs a waiver form.

Mayor Milligan requested the asset list minimum be increased from $1,000 to $2,500. Milligan said the suggestion came from the last audit. The Council approved the increase.

The council voted to accept the 2016 Legislative audit. The city's audit was in compliance.

Mayor Milligan asked the Council to set a salary amount for him to hire a part-time employee.

After a brief discussion it was decided a part-time employee would be hired a $10 per hour and could work up to 29 hours per week.

City Clerk, Linda Simpson explained to Council members Ordinances numbered in sequence 2017-192 through 2017-195 were off in sequence number but would not affect the history of the Ordinance record. The council unanimously voted to make the necessary clarification to the Ordinance Book for future reference.

The third reading by title only of three ordinances were accepted unanimously.

*No. 2017-195, an ordinancie allowing purchase of real estate and to borrow funds.

*No. 2017-194, an ordinance accepting certain property as an extension of Cobean Boulevard.

*No. 2017-193, an ordinance amending ordinance No. 2003-198, Sec.2, and (lawn maintenance) by providing for an increase in fines and civil penalties.

Simpson read Ordinance No. 2017-192 for the first reading. The ordinance amends Ordinance No. 2008-231, Sec. 1 permitting the raising of chickens, by limiting the number and for other restrictions. Council approved the first reading.

It was brought to the council's attention chickens are sometimes part of 4-H or FFA projects. The ordinance permits the raising and ownership of certain chickens under restrictions including no more than five chicken hens after receiving a permit from the City of Lake City. There is also guidlines on the pens and maintenance. Fowl may not be kpot, raised, bred for, bought, sold or traded for commercial purposes. In Section 2 of the ordinance, all ordinances pertaining to rabbits are revoked.

Simpson read Ordinance No. 296-17, an ordinance amending Ordinance No. 291-17, An Ordinance Providing For And Adopting For The City Of Lake City, for the 12 months, Jan. 1, 2017, to Dec. 31, 2017, appropriating money for each and every item of expenditures. The council passed the motion unanimously.

Mayor Milligan informed the Council that the Justice Network has served a subpoena to sue the cities of Craighead County, Craighead County, and Judge Fowler and Judge Boling.

The cities have contacted legal counsel through the Arkansas Municipal League. All matters will be handled through the City's attorney.

Next meeting will be held Aug. 21.
