An A-1 Dry Cleaners employee allegedly stole $1,507 from the company and offered to give up custody rights of her child if the owner didn’t press charges, according to a Blytheville police report.
The report said the owner confronted the woman about the missing money, and she initially denied taking the $1,507.
“Then (the woman) began to break down and cry, finally admitting that she did indeed take the money,” the report said. “(The owner) then stated that (the employee) said she would pay back the money she had taken and give (the owner) custody rights to her granddaughter if she wouldn’t press charges. (The owner) stated that (the employee) agreed to sign a promissory note to pay back the money that was taken.”
After the offender left the business, she apparently sent a text message saying that she would not give the owner custody of her child or payment of the stolen money.