July 18, 2017

A ground breaking ceremony was held Wednesday, July 12, for the new Senior Citizen Center to be built in Manila. An amazing buffet was provided for over 100 in attendance. The new building will be constructed adjacent to the Airport Community Center where the senior citizens currently meet Monday through Friday...

Ru Vaden
Groundbreaking ceremony held for the new senior citizen center in Manila. (Town Crier photos/Ruby Vaden)
Groundbreaking ceremony held for the new senior citizen center in Manila. (Town Crier photos/Ruby Vaden)

A ground breaking ceremony was held Wednesday, July 12, for the new Senior Citizen Center to be built in Manila. An amazing buffet was provided for over 100 in attendance.

The new building will be constructed adjacent to the Airport Community Center where the senior citizens currently meet Monday through Friday.

Mayor Wayne Wagner opened the ceremony with the recognition of the many important contributors to the erection of the new facility that were in attendance.

Pictured are Linda Donovan, Manila project chairman, and Donnie Wagner, Manila City County with Guy Pardew and Tony Pardew, with Olympus Construction.
Pictured are Linda Donovan, Manila project chairman, and Donnie Wagner, Manila City County with Guy Pardew and Tony Pardew, with Olympus Construction.

Those who were recognized in attendance were: Susie Parker (city clerk), Jason Baltimore (councilman), Dan Gamble (Manila Industries), Steve Milligan (councilman), Charles Landrum (Congressman Crawford’s office), Jeff Morris (Tom Cotton’s office), Chris Caldwell (Senator Boozeman’s office), Wendell Poteet (councilman), Dave Wallace (state senator), Linda Donovan (project chairman), Randy Carney (county judge), Donnie Wagner (councilman), Bryan Exum (USDA Rural Development), Justin Ladd (USDA Rural Development), Emily Hathcock (East Arkansas Planning), Sarah Thompson (East Arkansas Planning), Brenda Rowell (Arkansas Economic Development), Tony Pardew (Olympus Construction), Guy Pardew (Olympus Construction) and Kenny Jackson (grant writer).

Wagner then proceeded to discuss the future center for the Senior Citizens.

“This is something that we’ve been working on for years," Mayor Wagner said. "I made a vow when I became mayor to do things for both the youth and senior citizens of our area. A lot of people are probably wondering where the money came from to build this center and it came from federal, state and local community funding...none of this would be possible without you guys, so I just want to thank everyone who has contributed during this process to make this possible for our senior citizens; they are very deserving of it.”

Mississippi County Judge Randy Carney took the time to talk about the progress of the county as a whole.

“From the north, south, east and west areas of this county there is progression being made in Mississippi County and that makes me very proud,” Carney said. “I’m proud of Manila...I’m proud of the mayor and I’m proud to be the county judge. Manila leads the way in a lot of things...it’s the 'garden spot' of the county and that makes me proud as well.”

Wagner praised the community of Manila.

“I’m so very proud of the progress being made within our community," Mayor Wagner said. "We’re constantly building things here to bring our community together. Not very many people can stand up and say they have a 24-hour walking trail in their community and I think that’s something to be proud of,” Wagner added. “I would like to thank our police enforcement for making that possible and keeping our citizens' safety a top priority and I’m looking forward to the great experiences this new facility will provide.”
