May 2, 2017

Lake City Mayor Jon Milligan introduced Grahm Agee to the City Council at the April 24 meeting. Agee asked council members to consider amending the city’s ordinance that refers to keeping chickens within the city limits. He read an amendment he had written that would limit the amount to six hens, no roosters, the size and location of the pen on the owner’s property and stated that as an agri teacher at Manila this would be a benefit for the students in FFA at Riverside as well...

Lake City Mayor Jon Milligan introduced Grahm Agee to the City Council at the April 24 meeting. Agee asked council members to consider amending the city’s ordinance that refers to keeping chickens within the city limits. He read an amendment he had written that would limit the amount to six hens, no roosters, the size and location of the pen on the owner’s property and stated that as an agri teacher at Manila this would be a benefit for the students in FFA at Riverside as well.

Leann Short, whose children are active in 4-H, asked the Council to consider rabbits also, since they are looking at this same ordinance.

The council voted unanimously to table the decision until the city attorney could advise on a new ordinance and give the Council time to review before making a decision.

Tammy Davis addressed the Council on the maintenance of real property in Lake City. Each member of the Council was presented with copies of the ordinances and pictures of unkempt properties in the city.

“When do you finally make the landlord responsible for rental property if the renter will not clean it up?" Davis asked.

After a lengthy discussion the council voted unanimously to revisit the ordinance and adjust the fine amounts to make residents and/or landlords accountable for maintaining property as required by the ordinance.

Council approved lease agreements to the city of $1.00 each for City Clerk Linda Simpson's 2012 GMC Terrain and Mayor Milligan's 2010 Chevrolet K1500.

The Planning and Zoning Committee met April 20 concerning the re-zoning of property owned by John Ryan located on the corner of Park and Grove Streets.

The re-zoning of the property did not pass.

Mayor Milligan said he did not have the necessary information for the discussion of the school property and the council agreed to table discussion until a later date.

The City has $24,000 set aside in a line item for a veterans memorial. The City is requesting anyone who has names of Lake City veterans, including National Guard, to contact anyone on the committee or turn them in at city hall. Alderwoman Hutcheson said all donations will be appreciated and fundraisers would be forthcoming. The veterans memorial will be located by the Lake City Museum.

The next regular council meeting will be held at 5:30 p.m. Monday, May 15, at city hall.
