May 1, 2017

The following are reports from the Blytheville Police Department. — Police arrested Coley Wells on charges of possession of a controlled substance (marijuana) following a traffic stop on South Division. — Police arrested Kevin McKinney, 49, on charges of theft and domestic battery in the 1300 block of South 1st...

The following are reports from the Blytheville Police Department.

Friday, April 28

— Police arrested Coley Wells on charges of possession of a controlled substance (marijuana) following a traffic stop on South Division.

— Police arrested Kevin McKinney, 49, on charges of theft and domestic battery in the 1300 block of South 1st.

— Officers took a criminal mischief report (four flattened tires and a broken windshield) in the 800 block of Mayfair.

— Police took a harassment report in the 1600 block of Harmon.

— Officers investigated a burglary in the 2300 block of McHaney. A wallet, safe, $200 and a television were missing from the home.

— Police took a theft report (three purses) in the 1700 block of Sales.

— Police took a theft report ($228) at Walmart.

Saturday, April 29

— Police arrested Taywan Mullins, 39, on possession of a controlled substance (marijuana and Ecstasy) following a traffic stop on South Division.

— Officers assisted with a fire investigation at 131 East Kentucky, a vacant home.

— Police took a harassment report in the 1100 block of Whiteleaf.

Sunday, April 30

— Officers investigated a commercial burglary at K&L Clothing in the 400 block of Chickasawba. Several clothing items were missing.

— Police investigated a burglary in the 500 block of East Cherry. A refrigerator and stove were missing.

— Police investigated a criminal mischief report (broken glass front door) in the 800 block of East Main.

— Officers investigated an assault in the 1200 block of East Rose.

— Police took a harassment report on Dougan.
