The following are reports from the Blytheville Police Department.
— Police arrested Coley Wells on charges of possession of a controlled substance (marijuana) following a traffic stop on South Division.
— Police arrested Kevin McKinney, 49, on charges of theft and domestic battery in the 1300 block of South 1st.
— Officers took a criminal mischief report (four flattened tires and a broken windshield) in the 800 block of Mayfair.
— Police took a harassment report in the 1600 block of Harmon.
— Officers investigated a burglary in the 2300 block of McHaney. A wallet, safe, $200 and a television were missing from the home.
— Police took a theft report (three purses) in the 1700 block of Sales.
— Police took a theft report ($228) at Walmart.
— Police arrested Taywan Mullins, 39, on possession of a controlled substance (marijuana and Ecstasy) following a traffic stop on South Division.
— Officers assisted with a fire investigation at 131 East Kentucky, a vacant home.
— Police took a harassment report in the 1100 block of Whiteleaf.
— Officers investigated a commercial burglary at K&L Clothing in the 400 block of Chickasawba. Several clothing items were missing.
— Police investigated a burglary in the 500 block of East Cherry. A refrigerator and stove were missing.
— Police investigated a criminal mischief report (broken glass front door) in the 800 block of East Main.
— Officers investigated an assault in the 1200 block of East Rose.
— Police took a harassment report on Dougan.