March 14, 2017

Caraway Council passed Ordinance 2017-04, an ordinance covering water and sewer rates, at the Thursday, March 9 meeting. Water rates were reduced to $7.43 for the first 1,000 gallons, $4.12 per thousand gallon after. Sewer rates will be $12.45 for the first 1,000 gallons, $4.73 per 1,000 gallon after...

Caraway Council passed Ordinance 2017-04, an ordinance covering water and sewer rates, at the Thursday, March 9 meeting. Water rates were reduced to $7.43 for the first 1,000 gallons, $4.12 per thousand gallon after. Sewer rates will be $12.45 for the first 1,000 gallons, $4.73 per 1,000 gallon after.

Councilman Bo James made a motion for the enforcement of Ordinance 2017-3, a clean-up ordinance passed at the last meeting, to begin immediately.

Mayor Barry Riley read a letter form officials from the Make-A-Wish commending the Caraway city effort in the recent Make-A-Wish drive held Feb. 17.

Mayor Riley commended Lisa Anderson for leading the recent work on cleanup at the Caraway City Park held on March 4. Many volunteers were on hand to work. He also expressed his appreciation to the many volunteers who helped a local family with home repairs and cleanup.

Mayor Riley informed the council he would be going to Little Rock next week for hearings concerning the Craighead County Courthouse in Lake City.

Councilman Roger Williams asked about using the old ball field located at the corner of Chicago and Missouri streets for ball playing. The council had no objection.

Water and Sewer Superintendent Terry Couch said he would work on getting gates up at the city fish pond.

Mayor Riley said a group from Riverside School are nearing completion of a grant for $1,000 for a community garden that will be located on city property on Payne Street.

Roger Bell announced an upcoming bull riding event scheduled to start at 8 p.m. May 19, at the Caraway Arena. Lecile Harris, rodeo clown/entertainer, will be featured at the event.

Council members discussed street patching and cleanup of a burned-out house.
