February 24, 2017

The following are reports from the Blytheville Police Department. -- Police arrested Jeffery Brumfield, 34, for obstructing governmental operations and criminal trespassing at Blytheville Middle School. -- Officers took a report of a stolen video game at GameStop...

The following are reports from the Blytheville Police Department.

Tuesday, Feb. 21

-- Police arrested Jeffery Brumfield, 34, for obstructing governmental operations and criminal trespassing at Blytheville Middle School.

-- Officers took a report of a stolen video game at GameStop.

Wednesday, Feb. 22

-- Officers investigated a breaking and entering report in the 1500 block of West Ash. Surveillance cameras and an air compressor cooler were reported missing.

-- Police took a fraudulent use of an EBT card. The victim said, while he was intoxicated on Feb. 5, he got into a vehicle with people he doesn't know and blacked out. When he woke up the following day, he was missing his wallet. When he got a new EBT card on Feb. 21, the victim learned someone has been using the old one.

-- Police took a theft report in the 500 block of North 15th. According to the report, the victim heard something strike his roof and he saw the offender remove his electrical breaker box. The offender then ran into the nearby cemetery and entered a dark-colored car, which drove east toward Division. The report said the power line that was connected to the breaker box draped across the back of the victim's roof, and authorities contacted Entergy.

Thursday, Feb. 23

-- Police took a theft report (notary stamp) in the 600 block of West McHaney.

-- Officers assisted with a fire investigation in the 1200 block of Howard. The report said there were three separate fires -- the first at 1218 Howard, just north of the residence in the yard; and two at 1212 Howard, one inside the abandoned residence and the other on a vacant lot. All three fires are suspicious.

-- Officers took a theft report (cell phone) in the 500 block of South Tennessee.

-- Police took a theft report (handgun) in the 300 block of North 9th.

