Members of the Buffalo Island Central School Board met Thursday with Rob Guthrie of Entergy to discuss energy saving options for new construction. Guthrie spoke with the Board of plans in the new construction on both campuses expected to save enough money to fund improvements and see cost savings in maintenance and utilities in the future. Exact numbers and construction details will be available following bids, at which time a more definitive amount can be determined.
Adam Seiter with Nabholz followed Guthrie with a time line for building construction. Seiter informed the Board the first part of the project will involve utility relocation and as much advanced preparation as possible in order to reduce waiting time once school is out for summer and construction continues.
Plans to begin taking bids on the Monette campus are set for March 16. Seiter clarified the time line has been staggered beginning with Monette campus to be followed by Leachville three weeks later.
The Board approved a raise in superintendent salary by $4,000.
All principal contracts were renewed for the year 2017-2018.