October is 4H month, and according to Elizabeth Easley, County Extension Agent in charge of the local 4H program, there are a number of activities coming up that will give everyone interested in 4H the opportunity to learn more about the program.
On Saturday October 1, the Kool (Rocket) Science 4H Club will host the local event of the National 4H Youth Science Day. This event is observed by 4H clubs around the country and around the world during the week of October 1-7.
The local event will take place at the First Christian (Disciples of Christ) Church fellowship hall at 600 W. Main in Blytheville from 2 p.m. until about 4 p.m. Easley said this event is open to the public, but preregistration is required to ensure there are enough supplies for everyone who wants to participate.
There will be two separate events going on simultaneously and led by two groups of volunteer 4H leaders. The first group will be open to any child age five through nine. The second group will be open to any child age 10 through 18. Everyone participating worldwide will be studying drones, how they are used and how they work. Activities will be appropriate for the age group participating, but it will be a fun and educational experience for everyone.
"If you have a child who is interested in 4H or just interested in science, call me at the Extension office at 870-762-2075," she said. "All I need is the child's name and age. The event is free of charge to everyone."
She added that Kool (Rocket) Science Club is conducting an ongoing fundraiser, and anyone participating in the science day activity is welcome to participate. "Hunger affects millions of Americans. Every day, families in Mississippi County are forced to make the difficult decision between getting groceries and paying the bills. Help the science club gather items for the Blytheville-Gosnell Area Food Pantry. Bring the items with you to the science day event. If you are not participating but would like to donate non perishable food items and support this activity, you can drop items off at the county extension office, located next to the Blytheville Courthouse.
On October 8, the Blytheville Triple A 4H Club will hold its monthly meeting. "This club is seeking new members," Easley explained, " and anyone interested in joining 4H is encouraged to come to the meeting and see what 4H is all about."
The 4H program is a national youth education program delivered by the county office of the University Of Arkansas Division Of Agriculture Cooperative Extension Service. "4H is about having fun as you learn, exploring and discovering new things through a learn-by-doing process," she added.
Easley further said 4H is a great opportunity for youth to acquire knowledge and skills and develop healthy lifestyles. Programs vary according to the interests and abilities of the individual child, with emphasis on science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM). Other project areas include health, citizenship, leadership, community service, bicycle and gun safety, horseback riding, fashion, and so much more.
This meeting will be held at 2 p.m. Oct. 8 at the Delta Gateway Museum, located at 210 W. Main Street in Blytheville.
On October 15, members and leaders from all the 4H clubs will be at Tractor Supply in support of that business's semiannual Paper Clover fundraiser for the 4H program.
According to Dale Brown, store manager, paper clovers are sold at the cash register with 70 percent of all proceeds going to the local 4H clubs, and the remaining 30 percent going to state and national 4H programs.
The event will run from October 5 through October 15. "All you need to do is go to any cash register in the store, and ask to make a donation to support the local youth education and leadership program," he said.
4Hers will be sharing information about the 4H program at Tractor Supply Oct. 15, and several of the clubs will also be conducting their own fundraisers.
To learn more about the 4H program, any of these events, or to register for the National 4H Youth Science Day event, call the county Extension Office at 870-762-2075 or follow us on Facebook at Mississippi County 4H.
Registration for the event needs to be by September 23.
The University Of Arkansas System Division Of Agriculture is an equal opportunity/equal access/affirmative action institution. If you require a reasonable accommodation to participate or need materials in another format, please contact the Blytheville office the number listed above as soon as possible. Dial 711 for Arkansas Relay.