A suspect pointed a gun at officers before fleeing on Tuesday, according to a police report.
The reporting officer said he attempted to stop a brown Buick LeSabre that failed to stop at a stop sign, as he was patrolling the area of Hearn at 11th Street.
"The vehicle drove to the intersection at a high rate of speed but upon arriving at the intersection of 11th and Holly Street, the vehicle slid to a stop," the report said. "The driver immediately opened the door and fled from the vehicle and the front seat passenger climbed over the center console and fled from the driver's side door. The passenger turned his body towards my patrol car and as he was exiting the vehicle, pointed a silver firearm towards my direction. I exited the vehicle and drew my firearm from my holster but upon exiting my vehicle, the male fled north and jumped a fence."
The officer pursued the suspect, but lost sight of him in the alley between Holly and Willow streets.
"I went back to the offender's vehicle and located what appeared to be a shirt with two holes cut out of it," the report said. "It appeared to be a makeshift mask of some sort."
Police recovered the firearm, a replica revolver (BB gun).
Anyone with information on this incident is asked to contact the Blytheville Police Department at 763-4411.