A local man faces several charges after crashing into a Main Street business around 11 p.m. Wednesday.
Officers arrested Justin Bradley on charges of DWI 1st, driving while license suspended, careless and prohibited driving and driving left of center in the 200 block of West Main.
According to the report, while responding to a fire call, the officer noticed a black Ford Mustang speed past him on South Division. The officer turned around and pursued the car.
"As the Mustang crossed the tracks at Main and Third, I was approximately four car lengths behind it," the report said. "When the Mustang crossed the tracks, it became airborne and started to slide sideways as it landed back onto the roadway. The Mustang was facing south at this time and was still in motion, jumping the curb and striking the store front glass of Russell's Sales, breaking two windows completely out and cracking one other window."
The report said the Mustang came to rest with its front tires inside the store over a brick wall.
Bradley was sitting in the car, which was still running, the report noted.
"We told Bradley to exit the vehicle," the report said. "Bradley did not exit the vehicle right away. It took him about 10 seconds to exit."
Police arrested Bradley, reportedly noticing an odor of intoxicants coming from his person.
"He said he drank a few for his birthday," the report said.
The business sustained an estimated damage between $3,000-4,000.