July 12, 2016

On Friday, all four lanes of the new Highway 18 in Blytheville will be open, according to Blytheville Mayor James Sanders office. On Monday, crews will switch Ash and Walnut streets to two-way. Also, the traffic signals currently located at Walnut/Franklin, Walnut/2nd and Walnut / Broadway will be removed and these intersections will be controlled by a 4-way stop...

On Friday, all four lanes of the new Highway 18 in Blytheville will be open, according to Blytheville Mayor James Sanders office.

On Monday, crews will switch Ash and Walnut streets to two-way.

Also, the traffic signals currently located at Walnut/Franklin, Walnut/2nd and Walnut / Broadway will be removed and these intersections will be controlled by a 4-way stop.
