July 12, 2016

Leachville Cave Dwellers, a group of area volunteers, started the annual fireworks display 10 years ago and it has continued to grow and has become a Leachville Fourth of July tradition. The Cave Dwellers are made up of members of the fire department, police department, first responders and other volunteers. Donations are collected to help purchase the fireworks each year...

Leachville's 2016 fireworks display marked the 10th year for the event sponsored by the Cave Dwellers. (Town Crier photo/Revis Blaylock)
Leachville's 2016 fireworks display marked the 10th year for the event sponsored by the Cave Dwellers. (Town Crier photo/Revis Blaylock)

Leachville Cave Dwellers, a group of area volunteers, started the annual fireworks display 10 years ago and it has continued to grow and has become a Leachville Fourth of July tradition.

The Cave Dwellers are made up of members of the fire department, police department, first responders and other volunteers. Donations are collected to help purchase the fireworks each year.

Activities in the park including music, refreshments, and prizes lead up to the fireworks display held each year at 9:11 p.m.

This year's fireworks show was spectacular. A large crowd gathered at the park with lawn chairs and blankets with others watching from their vehicles as parking areas were filled.

Providing entertainment were Terry Darby and Hank and the band, Lost Cause.

The Cave Dwellers provided door prizes. Other activites included the Redneck Wading Pool. The Boy Scouts were at the park with a food booth.

"We want to thank all of our contributors, volunteers and citizens who help make this happen every year," Teresa Johnson, Leachville council member, said.
