Two juveniles were arrested Wednesday night, and police confiscated two semiautomatic handguns following a chase.
According to Capt. Scott Adams, around 8 p.m. Wednesday Blytheville officers investigated a report of juveniles harassing another juvenile at Capri Apartments.
"When speaking to the victim officers were advised five juveniles came to the victim's window at his apartment knocking on it, and they left going south on the railroad tracks," Adams said. "The juvenile victim stated these juvenile offenders were the same juveniles that assaulted him a few days prior."
Officers noticed five juveniles walking west on Hutson and, as they approached, a 16-year-old offender wearing a backpack took off, headed north, between two buildings, Adams said.
"Officers chased the juvenile until they caught him in the 500 block of North 5th Street," Adams said. "As officers chased the juvenile they observed him drop a backpack which was collected during the chase."
When officers later inventoried the backpack, they found the two handguns -- A Taurus PT 99 AFS and a High Point 9 mm with the serial numbers scratched off -- and a red and black bandana, which the 16-year-old claimed were his colors, according to Adams.
"While chasing the first juvenile offender, the other four juveniles took off running west across 6th Street," Adams said. "Other officers arrived in the area and were able to apprehend a second 14-year-old juvenile offender in the area of Madison and Willow. The three other juveniles were able to escape. However, officers did obtain identification information and warrants are being sought."
Both juveniles are being charged with fleeing (foot), possession of firearm by minor, possession of a defaced firearm, engaging in violent gang activity and curfew violation.
"While placing the juveniles in the patrol unit to be transported to the Mississippi County Juvenile Detention Center, the 16 year old advised the officers he should have shot the officer chasing him," Adams said.