March 29, 2016

Marc Taylor is the new police chief in Leachville. He started his duties as chief on Thursday, March 24. The Malvern native has a lot of experience in law enforcement. "I'm excited for the opportunity to serve the people of Leachville," he said. ...

Revis Blayock

Marc Taylor is the new police chief in Leachville. He started his duties as chief on Thursday, March 24.

Leachville Police Marc Taylor
Leachville Police Marc Taylor

The Malvern native has a lot of experience in law enforcement.

"I'm excited for the opportunity to serve the people of Leachville," he said. "I want to rebuild morale, establish a good relationship between the citizens and the police department, and get to know the people of Leachville. I want to be part of the community."

Taylor started his law enforcement career with the Hot Spring Sheriff's Office in 2001. He attended the Arkansas Law Enforcement Training Academy in 2002. He worked full time until 2006. He also worked for the Grant County Sheriff's Department.

He took a break from law enforcement where he worked as a bouncer and other jobs before he realized law enforcement was really where he wanted to be. He returned to law enforcement in 2014.

Taylor said he had applied for patrol officer in Leachville last year but did not hear from the city.

"The mayor called me and asked me if I was interested in the chief's position and I am glad to be here," Chief Taylor said.

Taylor said he wants to have an open door policy.

He is also looking forward to building a relationship with the county sheriff's office and the surrounding police departments.

"We have two openings for patrol officers," Chief Taylor said. "I am hoping to get a full staff on board in the near future. I want to build good morale and make the department a place where we can be proud to work."

Even though this is his first position as chief, he is learning the administrative side of law enforcement to go with his experience as a deputy.

"I'm not from here and I want to get to know the people," he said. "So far everyone has made me feel welcome."

Mayor Ralph Wells said they are glad to have Chief Taylor in Leachville.

"I think he will be right for the job," Mayor Wells said. "He is already out visiting with the citizens. We want a good police department. We have a new chief and an officer that been doing a good job. We are looking to fill a couple of patrol officer positions, but the two we have are doing good taking care of our citizens."
