March 23, 2016

Students at KIPP Blytheville College Preparatory School and KIPP Blytheville Collegiate High School celebrated "Geek Week" the week of March 14. Geek Week--KIPP's version of school spirit week--is an annual celebration of Webster's definition of "geek," which reads, "a person who is very interested in and knows a lot about a particular field or activity." The week included several dress-up days, including Pajama Day, Geriatric Day, Orange and Blue Day, and, of course, Stereotypical Geek Day...

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Students at KIPP Blytheville College Preparatory School and KIPP Blytheville Collegiate High School celebrated "Geek Week" the week of March 14. Geek Week--KIPP's version of school spirit week--is an annual celebration of Webster's definition of "geek," which reads, "a person who is very interested in and knows a lot about a particular field or activity." The week included several dress-up days, including Pajama Day, Geriatric Day, Orange and Blue Day, and, of course, Stereotypical Geek Day.
