March 2, 2016

The following are reports from the Blytheville Police Department. -- Police took a general information report at KIPP on Byrum Road, where a student apparently inadvertently brought a toy gun (black air soft pistol) to school. A girl told school employees that her brother had a fake gun on his person. ...

The following are reports from the Blytheville Police Department.

Tuesday, March 1

-- Police took a general information report at KIPP on Byrum Road, where a student apparently inadvertently brought a toy gun (black air soft pistol) to school. A girl told school employees that her brother had a fake gun on his person. The officer searched him for weapons, but none were found. The student did acknowledge having the air soft pistol, designed to shoot plastic bbs, in his backpack. The gun did not have any bbs or a clip, the report noted. "When asked, the juvenile offender told us that he believes his brother put the toy gun in his backpack," the report said. "The juvenile offender advised that he did not notice it was in there until he was at the bus stop. The juvenile offender said that he did not have time to put it back inside the home or he would miss the bus to school, so he planned to just leave it in his bag." The report said a juvenile witness corroborated the story. School officials told police that they have "never had any problems with him in the past," and "they wished to handle any type of disciplinary action within the school and with the mother..." No arrest was made.

-- Officers took a criminal mischief report in the 600 block of West Main. The offender broke a window at the residence.

-- Police took a report of a counterfeit $10 bill at R and R Tire on North 6th.

-- Officers investigated a burglary in the 800 block of Melody Lane. A window was damaged.

-- Police investigated a battery report in the 500 block of North Franklin.

Wednesday, March 2

-- Officers took a criminal mischief report in the 500 block of South Tennessee. The victim said her soon to be ex-wife slashed her tires, flattening two of them.

-- Following a traffic stop on Perimeter Road, police arrested Lisa Cecil on charges of driving left of center, possession of a controlled substance (methamphetamine) and tampering with evidence.
