Bo James and Tammy Presley of Caraway organized a dinner/silent auction/bake sale to benefit Bailey Kelems and her family. Bailey, a sixth grade student at Riverside East Elementary, is the daughter of Shannon and Susan Kelems. Mr. Kelems is a police officer with the Caraway Police Department.
Bailey is a patient at St. Jude Children's Hospital.
James said once the word of the event got out there was no shortage of volunteers. It was a community effort.
Barbecue dinners sold totaled 338. Items were donated for the silent auction as well as many baked goods to serve with the dinners and for a bake sale.
Among the items donated for the auction was a bench made in Bailey's honor and donated by Cpl. John Shipman with the Jonesboro Police Department.
The event was held at the Caraway Community/Senior Center.
The event raised an estimated $7,000.
"We want Bailey and her family to know we are supporting them," James said.
He expressed his appreciation to everyone who donated and came out to make the night successful for Bailey.