February 23, 2016

Manila's Polar Plunge team chose the name of "The Icicles" which proved to be appropriate as team members dove into the cold water on Saturday, Feb. 13. The event took place at the outside pool of the Hampton Inn in Blytheville...

The Icicles, Manila's Polar Plunge Team are, from left: back --  Dennis Campbell, Haven Bohannan, documentation team; Mindy Simpson, Tracey Bohannan, Teyha Simpson, Katherine Pannells, plungers. Front -- Dru Ann Hicks, plunger; and Sasha Pannells, documentation. Not pictured is Tracy Milligan who helped with the fund raising.
The Icicles, Manila's Polar Plunge Team are, from left: back -- Dennis Campbell, Haven Bohannan, documentation team; Mindy Simpson, Tracey Bohannan, Teyha Simpson, Katherine Pannells, plungers. Front -- Dru Ann Hicks, plunger; and Sasha Pannells, documentation. Not pictured is Tracy Milligan who helped with the fund raising.

Manila's Polar Plunge team chose the name of "The Icicles" which proved to be appropriate as team members dove into the cold water on Saturday, Feb. 13. The event took place at the outside pool of the Hampton Inn in Blytheville.

The Icicles plungers included Tracy Bohannan, Katherine Pannells, Mindy Simpson, Teyha Simpson and Dru Ann Hicks. The team joined other teams from across Mississippi County in support of Special Olympics Arkansas.

Assisting the team were Haven Bohannan, Denny Campbell and Sasha Pannells who filmed the event and worked to document the plunge.

Tracy Milligan worked to gather donations.

The Manila group raised $800 thanks to the community, Jason Evers and Manila Elementary, LeeAnn Helms and Manila Middle School, Dru Ann Hicks and Mrs. Woody/EAST, Thomas, Speight and Noble, Gene Adams Farms, Brent and Angel Farmer, and Kyle and Mindy Simpson.

Mississippi County raised over $3,000 for the 2016 Special Olympics Arkansas.

The Manila Icicles called the plunge a very "refreshing" experience and they all agreed they would do it again.

Ms. Bohannan, special education teacher at Manila elementry, expressed her appreciation to everyone who helped make the plunge a success.
