February 9, 2016

Riverside School Board heard a construction update for the new elementary building at the board meeting held Monday, Feb. 1. Despite an unexpected repair of a water main, everything was reported as going well. The Board was given an expected move in ready date of April 1...

Tiffany Gadberry

Riverside School Board heard a construction update for the new elementary building at the board meeting held Monday, Feb. 1. Despite an unexpected repair of a water main, everything was reported as going well. The Board was given an expected move in ready date of April 1.

The Board discussed options for new smart board projectors. Superintendent Tommy Knight shared that principals have taken interest in Epson projectors. The Epson projectors will be cost efficient while fulfilling the same needs as smart board projectors. A bid submitted by Howard Technology was accepted for $1,749 apiece totaling $37,953 including tax. The new projectors will be installed in the new elementary school.

High School Principal Jeff Priest recognized students for recent achievements:

*The Junior High Quiz Bowl placed fourth Jan. 29 qualifying for participation in state. Makayla Norvell will be going to all-state.

*Willow Booth placed fourth for public speaking and Rose Varner took fourth in Job Interview during the FBLA District Conference.

*Gracie Wilson made All-Region First Band, qualifying for All-State tryouts.

*Heaven Hadl made All Region Choir.

*High School Science Fair overall winners were: first, Kylie Huth; second, Chase Helms; third, Rose Varner.

West Elementary Principal Lee Ann Harrell informed the Board the girls basketball team won second place in district and were co-conference champions with Marmaduke. Fourth grade won second place in the District Tournament.

Harrell also shared a Buddy Bench had been placed on campus in memory of former student Slade Gilley, stating it was a success. A few students used it the first day and others sat with them and encouraged them to join in activities.

Superintendent Knight read a letter to the Board stating June 30, 2016, as resignation date of Tommy Eakins, head of maintenance.

The Board approved the rehiring of all district principals, Brandy Wallace, Lee Ann Harrell, Mark Manchester and Jeff Priest.

Tina Warren was hired as elementary custodian with a five hour per day contract effective Jan. 1.

Nicole Cooksey was approved a full time contract with the cafeteria retroactive to her start date of Jan. 4.

Rodney Master, student, was approved for a legal transfer from the Riverside School District to the Manila School District due to change of residence.

In other business:

*The Board agreed to amended the 2015-2016 school calendar for three days missed due to weather. Two days will be added to the end of the year. One day will be made up by attending school on Presidents Day, Feb. 15.

*The Board adopted the renewal of liability insurance for $6,259.

*The sick leave policy approved by the board during the January meeting was accepted by teachers with 90 percent in favor. The changes will become policy this year.
