February 2, 2016

Masonic Lodge #558 raised $1,800 for the Monette Veterans Park by sponsoring a barbecue fundraiser on Jan. 23. "Over 260 meals were served from 11 a.m. to 7 p.m., " said David McCoy, Masonic Sr. Warden. ...

Pictured are, from left: Jimmy Fraser, Eddie Dunigan, Mike Swindle, Patrick Dill, David McCoy, Tom Carroll, Henrietta Qualls and Larry Bibb. (photo provided/Nan Snider)
Pictured are, from left: Jimmy Fraser, Eddie Dunigan, Mike Swindle, Patrick Dill, David McCoy, Tom Carroll, Henrietta Qualls and Larry Bibb. (photo provided/Nan Snider)

Masonic Lodge #558 raised $1,800 for the Monette Veterans Park by sponsoring a barbecue fundraiser on Jan. 23.

"Over 260 meals were served from 11 a.m. to 7 p.m., " said David McCoy, Masonic Sr. Warden. "Some people came by to pick up their meal, while others came to eat and visit. We will hold our annual Lodge breakfast on Feb. 20, and part of those proceeds will also be given to the Veterans Park. We are anticipating a good turnout for the breakfast too, as the $7 a plate meal consists of sausage, biscuits, eggs, bacon, gravy and pancakes and last from 6-11 a.m. Can't get a much better meal than that."

"We are so thankful for the help of the Masonic Lodge and hope many more organizations and groups will help us raise money for the Veterans Park," said Henrietta Qualls, park chairman. "The park is going to be something we can all take pride in."

Masons working at the barbecue fundraiser included Jimmy Fraser, Eddie Dunigan, Mike Swindle, Patrick Dill, David McCoy, Tom Carroll, Larry Bibb and Tony Austin.
