January 29, 2016

Because of some circulation issues, the new Courier News publication schedule will begin in March, not February as originally planned. I won't bore you with the details, but to put it mildly the process is quite involved and requires more than just punching a few buttons...

Because of some circulation issues, the new Courier News publication schedule will begin in March, not February as originally planned.

I won't bore you with the details, but to put it mildly the process is quite involved and requires more than just punching a few buttons.

The move from three days per week to two days will go into effect on Wednesday, March 2.

We will have a print edition on Wednesdays and Saturdays -- the online product will remain a daily.

As I wrote previously, we will continue to provide the same amount of local news; it will be in two bigger issues instead of three.

Print subscribers get unlimited access to our website, as well as our E-Edition, which is the electronic version of the print edition.

We are also lowering print subscription prices, and your subscriptions will be extended so you will receive the number of issues you have paid for when you took care of your last bill.

One of our big focuses is to become even more community-oriented in 2016. We welcome reader submissions and look forward to continuing as the watchdog to keep you informed of all the local news.


We are bringing back the bridal section, "To Have and To Hold."

I, personally, enjoy perusing the special publication, particularly looking at old photos of couples who have been married several decades.

If you would like to be part of the edition, simply bring your wedding photo to the CN or email it to the address at the end of this column. The submission deadline is March 21.


The weekend of June 3 is shaping up to be a huge one for Blytheville.

Along with the annual Relay for Life and Cars and Cycles Against Cancer, the Aeroplex will host the inaugural Arkansas Mile, which will bring a few hundred people and some exotic cars to town on its own.

In addition, there will be a British National Meet and television host, Dennis Gage of "My Classic Car," will be here.

It should be a lot of fun.

