January 18, 2016

The following are reports from the Blytheville Police Department. Friday, Jan. 15 -- Police arrested Elijah Russell who allegedly shoplifted a coat at Walmart. -- Officers investigated a domestic assault in the 800 block of East Walnut. -- Police investigated a robbery in the 200 block of East Davis. The offenders took the victim's wallet, $400 cash and two gift cards...

The following are reports from the Blytheville Police Department.

Friday, Jan. 15

-- Police arrested Elijah Russell who allegedly shoplifted a coat at Walmart.

-- Officers investigated a domestic assault in the 800 block of East Walnut.

-- Police investigated a robbery in the 200 block of East Davis. The offenders took the victim's wallet, $400 cash and two gift cards.

-- Officers took a battery report in the 100 block of East Kentucky.

-- Police took a harassment report in the 1000 block of South Division.

Saturday, Jan. 16

-- Police investigated a battery report in the 700 block of East Cherry.

-- Officers took a criminal mischief report in the 2800 block of South Elm. Locks on two sheds were damaged.

-- Police investigated a burglary in the 1900 block of West Vine. A television and wallet were reported missing.

Sunday, Jan. 17

-- Officers took a report of a stolen license plate in the 1000 block of Gean.

-- Police investigated a burglary in the 900 block of McDaniels. Two televisions were reported missing.

-- Officers took a criminal mischief report in the 1600 block of West Stuart Street. The offender cut two tires.

-- Police arrested a juvenile on domestic aggravated assault charges for an incident in the 1100 block of Ohio Street, where he allegedly charged at his mother with a knife. The boy's mother said she learned earlier the he used her debit card to purchase several items online without her permission. She confronted him and took the items away from him. The boy allegedly became irate, ran into the kitchen and grabbed a knife. He reported said he "wanted to do something to himself." His mother told him to put the knife up, but he charged at her with the knife, the report noted. "She grabbed the juvenile and restrained him so he could not hurt her or himself," the report said. "The father came into the room and helped restrain the juvenile....She got the knife away from the juvenile." The father lectured the juvenile for his actions, and the boy walked out the front door and left the area, the report said. About 40 minutes later, police arrested the boy at his grandparent's house in the 100 block of North 15th Street.

-- Officers arrested Daniel Wadkins on domestic battery charges in the 1000 block of North Second.

