A KIPP Blytheville College Preparatory School student reportedly threatened, "to blow the school up" on Thursday.
According to the police report, around 3:12 p.m. Thursday, the complainant told officers that two juvenile students got into a verbal altercation and the male student began throwing desks.
"He then made the statement 'I'm going to blow the school up, and I'm going to make sure you're in it,'" the report said, "The student was very angry when he made the statement."
Maisie Wright, School Director at the school released this statement to the CN Friday morning, "On Thursday, December 17, a student at KIPP Blytheville College Preparatory School was suspended following a fight between two students on school grounds. The student who began the fight was removed from campus shortly after the incident. Upon further investigation, it was learned that during the altercation, the student made a threat of violence against the school. That threat was found to be unsubstantiated. Police were notified, and school officials are continuing to investigate the incident. The student in question will be disciplined accordingly," Maisie Wright, school director at KIPP Blytheville College Preparatory School said.
The police report also said that the school contacted Mid-South Health.