The Blytheville Finance Committee met in a very extended special session Monday evening, after concluding three departmental committee meetings that immediately preceded, to discuss ways to cut over $1.23 million from the "rough draft" 2016 budget. Their objective, however, was not fully accomplished. In fact, less than ten percent of what needs to be cut from the "rough draft budget" was actually cut. Therefore, the committee members agreed that there would be numerous additional meetings in the immediate future and that the next meetings will require cutting city employees.
When the Finance Committee meeting began, aware of their need to cut $1.23 million dollars from the 2016 budget in order to help create a state mandated balanced budget proposal before December 1, the committee members evaluated most lines of the proposed departmental budgets. Comparing expenditures from 2015 (thus far) to what had been submitted by each department head for fiscal year 2016, a great deal of discussion and compromise was offered between the committee and the department heads who steadily attempted to trim the figures.
When the meeting concluded at 9 p.m. after five hours of combined meetings and more than three on the budget alone, it was estimated by Callens and various councilmen that perhaps less than $100,000 had actually been trimmed from the "rough draft" budget. Those cuts came from line items including general supplies, building maintenance, chemicals, insurance, resale inventory, salaries, signal utilities, gas and oil, equipment maintenance, maintenance-irrigation and utilities.
The one cut in salaries that was accomplished came from the Public Works Department as a result of one unfilled position. Key agreed to just simply not fill the position and reduce his department by one slot in light of the difficult economic position the city is in.
During the meeting the committee spoke with various department heads which included City Finance Director John Callens (Finance and Blytheville Waterworks), Blytheville Fire Chief Mike Carney (Fire Department), Parks and Recreation Director Elroy Brown (Youth Sportsplex, Delta Gateway Museum, City Parks and the City Pool), Interim Public Works Director Mark Key (City Shop, Street Department, Health and Sanitation, Signs and Signals) and Facilities Board President Cecil Brown and Facilities Board Finance Chairman Dr. Tracy Duncan (Thunder Bayou Golf Links).
Other department heads, such as Police Chief Ross Thompson (Animal Control, Code Enforcement, Police Department and Corrections) and Wastewater Director Richard DePriest) spoke during the three previous departmental committee meetings held immediately prior to the Finance Committee meeting, however line-by-line discussion of their budgets were not addressed at the time. Some departments, such as City Collector, City Clerk, Municipal Court and the City Attorney did not appear at all.
All City Council Members were present at various times during the meetings, with four of them staying for their entireties. Councilman John Musgraves, due to work responsibilities was unable to attend the earlier meetings, but was present for the budget talks. Councilman R.L. Jones was present for the entire first three meeting, but had to leave before the budget meeting had concluded due to previous commitments.