Mississippi County Sheriff's Department Intake Report -- 10/26 through 11/1
-- Jennifer Brooks Allison, 32, of Blytheville -- serve weekend;
-- Adam Barber, 33, of California, Mo. -- kidnapping;
-- Jason Wade Barnes, 32 of Blytheville -- felony possession/delivery of controlled substance, no liability insurance, one or no headlights;
-- Rina Booth, 25, of Luxora -- misdemeanor failure to appear, criminal trespass/premises, shoplifting;
-- Tony Deangelo Boyd, 37, of Osceola -- residential burglary;
-- Jessie Brown, 37, of Rogers, Ark. -- default on child support payments (2), misdemeanor failure to appear (3);
-- Celeta Michelle Cagle, 38, of Luxora -- meth, misdemeanor possession of drug paraphernalia, possession of controlled substance without prescription (1st offense);
-- Sarah M. Casey, 40, of Blytheville -- left scene of accident no report, possessing instruments of crime (2), no vehicle tags, no proof liability insurance, expired driver's license;
-- Jermaine Childers, 41, of Blytheville -- misdemeanor failure to appear (2), no seat belt, obstructing governmental operations;
-- Tiara Shenale Clark, 33, of Blytheville -- misdemeanor failure to appear (4);
-- Christina M. Collins, 29, of Leachville -- default on child support, misdemeanor failure to appear;
-- Brian Theadore Coulter, 46, of Blytheville -- third degree domestic battery-purpose of injury;
-- Jesse Lee Dean, 29, of Blytheville -- felony failure to appear;
-- Jason Eugene Deason, 37, of Blytheville -- theft by receiving;
-- Mario L. Depriest, 36, of Luxora -- public intoxication, commitment;
-- Christopher Fletcher, 26, of Missouri, Ark. -- misdemeanor failure to appear (3);
-- Franchester Hardy, 48, of Blytheville -- misdemeanor failure to appear (2), driving while license suspended or revoked-non DWI, no seat belt, child restraint, obstructing governmental operations;
-- Justin Leo Jewel, 35, of Blytheville -- default timepay of misdemeanor fine (2);
-- Romeo Lee Johnson, 19, of Luxora, public intoxication, disorderly conduct-fighting/threatening;
-- Daquonza Lee, 18, of Caruthersville, Mo. -- speeding over posted speed, driving on suspended CDL;
-- Whitney Logan, 25, of Osceola -- commitment;
-- Curtis Harold Lunsford, 48, of Blytheville -- public intoxication, disorderly conduct-language;
-- Cornelius Manning, 33, of Osceola -- questioning and detaining suspected person;
-- James Bennie Martin, Jr., 52, of Blytheville -- failure to appear;
-- Keenon Ivory Mathis, 24, of Kenton, Tenn. -- misdemeanor failure to appear (2);
-- David Lee Ohler, 50, of Keiser -- meth, marijuana;
-- Robert Reginald Oliver, 34, of Detroit, Mich. -- no drivers license, careless driving, DWI (2nd offense), no proof liability insurance;
-- Tyler Quearry, 24, of Blytheville -- misdemeanor failure to appear (3);
-- Devon L.K. Rainey, 18, of Blytheville -- misdemeanor failure to appear;
-- Rico Diontae Ramsey, 21, of Blytheville -- misdemeanor failure to appear;
-- Sherry Lynn Rider, 56, of West Memphis -- public intoxication;
-- Ricky Lynn Shirley, 35, of Monette -- meth (2);
-- Alvin Dwight Slater, 35, of Blytheville -- serve weekend;
-- Juwan D. Smith, 23, of Gosnell -- third degree domestic battery (2nd offense);
-- Kiona Lasha Turner, 24, of Blytheville -- second degree domestic battery;
-- Angela Grace Walker, 31, of Blytheville -- no drivers license, no proof of liability insurance;
-- Anfernee X. Wells, 25, of Blytheville -- first degree murder;
-- Terica Monique Williams, 30, of Blytheville -- refusal to submit to arrest, disorderly conduct-language, public intoxication;
-- Hazel Wright, 35, of Paragould -- no liability insurance, driving while license suspended or revoked-non DWI, misdemeanor possession of a controlled substance;
-- Wayne A. Wright, 38, of Cobbler, Mo. -- misdemeanor failure to appear (2)