October 24, 2015

Marion attorney Tonya Alexander recently attended Blytheville's 35th Annual Chili Cook-off to announce that she is seeking the Position 6 office of Circuit Judge for the Second Judicial District. Judge Victor Hill, who will be retiring at the end of this term, currently holds the position. The only other candidate that has announced for the position is Deputy Prosecutor Curtis Walker of Blytheville...

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Marion attorney Tonya Alexander recently attended Blytheville's 35th Annual Chili Cook-off to announce that she is seeking the Position 6 office of Circuit Judge for the Second Judicial District. Judge Victor Hill, who will be retiring at the end of this term, currently holds the position. The only other candidate that has announced for the position is Deputy Prosecutor Curtis Walker of Blytheville.

"I enjoyed meeting and speaking with the people of Blytheville. The Cook--off was very well organized and a great event. I have handled cases here and really enjoy the helpful, friendly nature of the people I encountered. The Arkansas Delta is a beautiful place and with prayer, commitment and hard work we can improve the area for all of its inhabitants," Alexander said

Alexander is a native of Altheimer, Ark. and received a Bachelor of Science Degree in Political Science from the University of Arkansas-Pine Bluff before graduating law school at the University of Arkansas with a Juris Doctor. Upon graduation from law school she took a job as an attorney with East Arkansas Legal Services in Helena and West Memphis. While there, she served in the outreach offices located in Blytheville and Osceola.

In 1996, Alexander took a position as judicial law clerk to Appellate Court Justice Olly Neal at the Arkansas Court of Appeals. She has been in private practice sine May of 2000 and has served on the Arkansas Public Defender Commission, being appointed by both republican and democrat governors.

Alexander has experience from the bench, since former Governor Mike Beebe-D appointed Alexander to the position of Special Justice on the Arkansas Supreme Court, and she has also served as Municipal Court Judge for the cities of Jericho, Earle, Sunset and Edmonson. Alexander served as special judge in the West Memphis and Marion District Courts.

"In 1994 I answered the call to service in the Arkansas Delta, and in 2015 I'm answering the call to leadership," Alexander said when asked why she is seeking the office.

