Mississippi County Sheriff's Office Intake Report -- from 10/12/15 through 10/18/15
-- Glenda Addison, 59, of Blytheville -- violation of the Arkansas hot check law;
-- Johnathan Lamar Alexander, 24, of Osceola -- felony possession of firearm by certain persons, possession of defaced firearm, misdemeanor fleeing;
-- Nicola Ayeshuntae Banks, 25, of Osceola -- breaking or entering-all other, felony theft of property-all other;
-- Lorenzo Bragg, 21, of Los Angeles, Calif. -- driving while license suspended or revoked non DWI, speeding over posted speed, careless driving, no seat belt;
-- Robert Camburn, 60, of Blytheville -- felony possession/delivery of controlled substance;
-- William Cheatum, 53, of Gosnell -- first degree assault on family/household member;
-- Johnny Mack Collins, 23, of Blytheville -- meth;
-- Sarah Collins, 32, of Blytheville -- felony possession/delivery of controlled substance;
-- Jimmy Cowley, 28, of Blytheville -- misdemeanor failure to appear (2), driving while license suspended or revoked non DWI, obstructing governmental operations;
-- Oscar Daniel, 55, of Blytheville -- commitment;
-- Alvin Richard Davis, 55, of Blytheville -- no liability insurance, meth cocaine (2);
-- James R. Dixon, 48, of Blytheville -- driving while license suspended or revoked non DWI, failure to yield, crack cocaine, failure to appear driving on suspended drivers license;
-- Maleke R. Dority, 19, of Blytheville -- misdemeanor possession of controlled substance;
-- Tyrone Dority, 21, of Blytheville -- loitering;
-- Tanayia S. Echols, 22, of Blytheville -- first degree criminal mischief-property over $500, breaking or entering-all other, felony theft of property-all other;
-- Darrell D. Ervin, 42, of Jonesboro -- commitment;
-- Myron L. Garrett, 51, of Blytheville -- order to show cause;
-- Priscilla Goss, 35, of Blytheville -- disorderly conduct-fighting/threatening, refusing to submit to arrest;
-- Walter Goss, 50, of Blytheville -- disorderly conduct-fighting/threatening, resisting arrest/uses force, driving on suspended drivers license;
-- Demarcus Hatch, 21, of Blytheville -- commitment, violation of the Arkansas hot check law;
-- Trini Quinn Jefferson, 41, of Osceola -- commitment;
-- Corey Lorenzo Johnson, 44, of Blytheville -- misdemeanor possession of controlled substance, possessing instruments of crime (2);
-- Rodriquez Christophe King, 23, of Blytheville -- terroristic act-shoots at to cause property damage, residential burglary, felony theft of property-all other;
-- Derek Thomas Kisman, 45, of Blytheville -- misdemeanor failure to appear (2);
-- Martin Leija, 51, of Blytheville -- felony possession/delivery of controlled substance, careless driving;
-- Chelsea Tierra Logan, 25, of Blytheville -- felony failure to appear on filing false report;
-- Emma Lou Main, 34, of Brookland -- third degree battery;
-- Colten Marbry, 22, of Gosnell -- commitment;
-- Laquincy Nance, 19, of Blytheville -- felony alias bench warrant;
-- James A. Parrott, 36, of Gosnell -- petition to revoke;
-- Ksan Patton, 19, of Blytheville -- misdemeanor failure to appear;
-- Markie Pena, 35, of Gosnell -- meth;
-- Tyler Scott Petty, 25, of Manila -- parole violation;
-- Latifa Shaeva Phelps, 26, of Memphis -- failure to appear;
-- Shaqueynae L. Phelps, 20, of Blytheville -- misdemeanor failure to appear;
-- Raul Rameriez-Gomez, 25 of Luxora -- no drivers license, obstructing governmental operations;
-- Daiquan W. Rand, 20, of Blytheville -- felony theft of property-all other, aggravated robbery;
-- Vanessa Rendon, 30, of Blytheville -- failure to appear, order to show cause;
-- Jimmy D. Roaten, 54, of Osceola -- second degree terroristic threat-threaten property damage, aggravated assault on correctional facility (2), resisting arrest/uses force, disorderly conduct-fighting, threatening;
-- Jeffery E. Robinson, 45, of Blytheville -- driving while license suspended or revoked non DWI, misdemeanor possession of drug paraphernalia, possession of controlled substance without prescription (1st offense), no seat belt;
-- Tiffany Rogers, 19, of Blytheville -- disorderly conduct-fighting/threatening, refusal to submit to arrest;
-- Ty William Shannon, 51, of Blytheville -- misdemeanor failure to appear (2);
-- Alvin Dwight Slater, 35, of Blytheville -- serve weekend;
-- Reggie Lelon Taylor, Jr., 38, of Keiser -- felony theft of property-all other;
-- Corrie Derell Thomas, 37, of Blytheville -- third degree assault-creates apprehension, misdemeanor theft of property-all other, default timepay of misdemeanor fine, violation of a protection order, misdemeanor failure to appear, child support;
-- Dorian Thomas, 18, of Blytheville -- misdemeanor theft of property-all other;
-- Allyson B. West, 33, of Blytheville -- financial identity fraud;
-- Timothy L. White, 30, of Blytheville -- first degree battery-purpose of causing harm;
-- Carshena Lael Williams, 34, of Osceola -- failure to appear;
-- Marshall Lynn Williams, 44, of Blytheville -- third degree domestic battery-purpose of injury, refusal to submit to arrest, obstructing governmental operations, default timepay of misdemeanor fine