Caraway City Council members passed a resolution to accept a grant for a new police car at the Oct. 8 meeting.
The council then voted 6-0 to allow Mayor Barry Riley and Recorder-treasurer Rick Stevens to sign for a loan from Iberia Bank for the balance of payment on the new police car, approximately $20,000.
Fire Chief Browning briefed the mayor and council on a recent meeting he attended concerning Craighead County Fire Association's request for $600 to help pay for a generator. It was agreed not to do so at this time.
The Caraway Fall Festival will be held from 9 a.m. until 4 p.m. Oct. 31 at the city park.
Work being planned in the city includes a new metal roof on the dog pound; tree trimming; and new street signs. Work on Asher Ditch was also discussed.
In other business, the council:
*voted 5-0 with Councilman Bo James abstaining, to allow Fire Chief Scott Browning to purchase six pagers for the fire department at a cost of $2,230. The purchase will be made with Act 833 funds.
*voted to set a $2,000 minimum on items put on the city asset list.
Council members made a motion to pass a resolution setting 1.8 millage for county taxes.
*unanimously voted to change the city insurance to Risk Management.
*agreed to have Mayor Riley take sealed bids for the old Mercury police car. Bids will be taken until the Monday before the next city council meeting.
The next regular city council meeting is scheduled for 6 p.m. Thursday, Oct. 12.