The Blytheville City Council held a special session Monday afternoon and unanimously passed a resolution authorizing the city to retain the Des Moines, Iowa law firm of Ahlers & Cooney to represent the city in the matter of Greatamerica Financial Services Corporation v. City of Blytheville.
The lawsuit was filed in Linn County, Iowa and is the second such lawsuit against the City of Blytheville related to office equipment purchases/leases signed off on by either Gary Phillips (former Director of Blytheville Waterworks) or Mayor James W. Sanders.
Last Thursday, the Finance Committee of the Blytheville City Council approved spending $300 for the retention of the firm, with all expenses in excess of $300 being billed monthly to the city.
The resolution states that the City is currently being sued "in connection with certain agreements for the lease of copiers previously ordered by the water department" and that "the City is presently involved in an audit being conducted in connection with an Arkansas State Police investigation involving the lease/purchase of certain copiers by the city water department and the copies involved in this lawsuit."
The resolution also states that "the city denies any liability in the lawsuit filed in the State of Iowa" therefore "it is necessary that legal counsel be retained to defend the City in said case".
The city, with the resolution's passage, has agreed to be represented by attorney Ivan Webber of the Ahlers and Cooner law firm.