Manila Mayor Wayne Wagner and the city council members presented retiring Chief of Police Jackie Hill with a plaque in appreciation for his years of service.
"On behalf of the council, I want to express our appreciation to you for the years of service you have given to the citizens of Manila," Mayor Wagner said. "We will look to you for help in the future."
Mayor Wagner said the swimming pool closed early because of low attendance after school started. He said the inside heated therapeutic pool is open and available for rent throughout the winter.
Wagner met with architects on the senior citizen building. He said they
have half the money for a new building. It was estimated the building would cost $480,000. He asked for the council's support on looking for any additional funding available.
"The seniors have a good place to meet," Mayor Wagner said.
Councilman Donnie Wagner asked if the money could be used to renovate an existing building.
Mayor Wagner said comparison of the costs of getting an existing building up to code to a new building would be needed.
The council voted unanimously in favor of Mayor Wagner looking into grants available for the building and the cost of renovating an existing building.
Council members present were Linda Donovan, Donnie Wagner, Wendell Poteet, Steven Milligan, Jason Baltimore and Dale Murphy.
A representative of Archer Engineering addressed the council about an unpaid bill for work done in 2010. He said they were hired by former mayor, the late Clifford Veach, to compile a map of the city coordinating all streets and subdivisions. He said the maps were delivered.
Mayor Wagner said no one has been able to locate the maps at city hall.
Councilman Baltimore asked if there had been a signed agreement or contract.
"I understand where he is coming from, and I hope he understands where we are coming from," Baltimore said.
Mayor Wagner asked for dates of the work and invited the representative to come by city hall and they would go through the minutes and try to find any reference to the maps.
Woody Townsend with the pilot's association gave an update on the Manila Municipal Airport. He said there is a delay on a door for the new hangar. It was scheduled to be in in August but has not arrived. He invited the council to come out and look at the work.
"We are are need of more hangars," Townsend said.
"Airport looks good," Councilman Milligan said.
Following an executive session, the council voted to accept the resignation of retiring Chief Hill. They voted unanimously to pay him 70 accumulated sick days and two weeks of vacation.
The council then voted unanimously to pay newly appointed Chief James Skinner the Chief of Police rate.
The council agreed to give $1 an hour raise to Kenny Tune, Michael Key and Don Skaggs and a 50 cent an hour raise to Michael Skaggs and Shawn Jones.
The council voted unanimously to hire Lee Kirby part-time on the garbage truck.
In other business:
*The council approved renewing the same millage rate in affect.
*Mayor Wagner asked for help from the council on acquiring utility easements from residents along Highway 18. He said there are 44 easements needed. A guest at the meeting and a retired Highway Department employee Sherry Pratt said she would be glad to help if she could.
*Pratt addressed the council about concerns with needed sewer line improvements. "I've had issues," she said. "I would rather pay more every month rather than have to clean out sewage ," she said. "I have had to clean sewage four times in the last three years. We have other good things to offer people moving in to Manila. I think people would be willing to pay a little more for utilities."
*The council voted to allow Mayor Wagner and Mr. Ford to move forward to pursue a new garbage truck on a lease agreement. When the details are worked out they will be brought to the council.
*Mayor Wagner said the auditors had given permission to burn old files. He said they would need two councilmen as witnesses for a secure burn. Councilmen Poteet and Wagner volunteered.