Lake City Council ruled on two requests from the Planning and Zoning Committee at the Sept. 21 council meeting.
Harold Barker, chairman of the planning and zoning committee, presented the requests. The council was asked to start proceedings for condemnation of property at 90 Skylark, which has burned for the second time. The motion was passed unanimously, 5-0.
On the second request, the council agreed to have Mayor Jon Milligan send a letter to Jeb Spencer asking him to be present at the next planning and zoning meeting to discuss his plans for property located at the old Citizens Bank building.
Council members present were Jeffery Wisham, Tommy Eakins, Harold Barker, Linda Stone and Brenda Hutcheson.
Linda Simpson, clerk/treasurer, read these ordinances and resolution, which were approved:
Ordinance No. 2015-277, An Ordinance Amending Ordinance No. 90 Allowing For Adjustments; Allowing for Deferred Payments; And Filling Swimming Pools; Prescribing Other Matters Relating Thereto. Ordinance No. 2015-276, An Ordinance Amending Ordinance No. 90 Fixing Rates For Services Rendered By The Water And Sewer System Of The City Of Lake City, Arkansas; Prescribing Other Matters Relating.
Resolution No. 2015-09-21, a resolution Mayor Milligan and the council recognizing and recommending Career Readiness Certification in conjunction with East Arkansas Planning District.
Resolution No. 2015-09-21A, a Resolution That Levy's millage rate for the year of 2016.
Motion was approved for Mayor Milligan to seek bids on paving Mead Street, measuring 18'x1,440'.
Mayor Milligan asked the Council to approve Connie Collins cell phone benefit in the amount of $50 per month to the 2015 Water Department budget and allow it to be retroactive to Jan. 1. The amount was added to the budget and approved and discussed, but was never clarified in the City Council minutes. The council voted unanimously in favor of the motion.
Upcoming events were announced:
*Fall yard sale will be held Oct. 1-3.
*Mayor Milligan reminded everyone that in the fall the City does not have a Clean Sweep which occurs once a year.
*Oct. 2, 7 p.m., the Riverside Booster Club will host Meet the Rebels.Booster Club is also planning a fundraiser on Saturday, Nov. 21. For more information contact a member of the Booster Club on any of these activities.
*Saturday, Nov. 21, there will be a book signing by Linda Hulen at the Lake City museum.
Next council meeting will be held at 5:30 p.m. Monday, Oct. 26, at city hall.