Richard High, of Blytheville, is the new Administrative Juvenile Probation Officer for Mississippi County.
"I handle the paperwork that comes in, I counsel the young men and women when they first get in and just communicate with them," High said. "I set up their first meeting with the probation officer. I guess I would be the welcome they receive when they come into the probation office. I try to set a comfortable tone for them so that we can start building a professional relationship to help them," he said.
High is no stranger to helping youth. He is originally from Birmingham, Ala., but through his military service with the Army came to Blytheville in 2001. High was the Army recruiting officer for Mississippi County from 2001-2006. From 2007 until he retired in 2011, he was the Army recruiting officer for both Mississippi and Craighead Counties.
"I traded my recruiting badge for an officer's badge but they both have something in common: selfless service," High said. "You see your community and want to make a difference. I felt like it was time I stopped talking about it and get into a job where I can do something. If I make a difference in just one young persons' life that makes it all worth it. That is all the thank you I need, to see that I made a difference in someone's life."
High's first day as Administrative Juvenile Probation Officer was June 15 of this year. He explained that he had to go through a training process, which is on going with various training sessions being offered throughout the year.
"The best part of my job is that I'm back into the high schools and my comfort zone of working with young people," High said. "I can speak from both sides of it. I can talk them and suggest the military as a career path. And I can tell them they don't want to come see me in this office. I tell them I would rather see you at your place than for you to come see me at mine. That is my catch phrase to try and convince them to do right."
High has already spoken at Rivercrest High School and will be speaking at the Blytheville High School FBLA luncheon. After retiring from 27 years of military service, High was happy to get back to work helping the youth of his community.
"I have had the full support of my wife, Audra, my son R.J. and my daughter Reagan," High said. "They have been really supportive and keep me grounded. My co-workers have been great. They have really accepted me and treat me just like part of the family."