Darlene Rodgers of Osceola is proud to announce the release of her CD titled, "Jesus is the Only Way".
The CD includes seven songs written and composed by Rodgers in the praise and worship genre of Christian Inspirational music. This is her first CD and includes songs such as: "I'm working for Jesus", "God gave His only Son", "Jesus is the only Way", "I know Jesus", "I have joy", "I'm watching and waiting", and "I'm standing on the Rock".
"It's a good time to bring this out, not only for the public, but for myself also. Jesus is the only way. When you stand for Christ, you won't just stand for anything. This music will never die. This music will never get old. It's revelation and Truth will never die. My CD will never grow old," Rodgers said.
Rodgers, though born in Houston, was reared in Osceola and had devoted her life to the people of Mississippi County. A graduate of Arkansas Northeastern College (then known as MCCC), she has worked as an educator and a tutor for many years.
She worked with the Blytheville School System for over eight years, Osceola Schools for over sixteen years and as a free personal tutor for over twenty years.
Rodgers is a members of Pilgrim Rest M.B. Church in Osceola pastored by Rev. Cleveland Cain. She has also been a graphic designer of t-shirts for over twenty years.
"All lives matter. I think the CD can help people realize that all lives matter. Not just one kind of life, but all lives matter...I give God all the glory, its not about me. Everything in this CD is true. Each day I am waiting for the things for me to do. I was sitting alone and focusing. I couldn't have done this if I was driving or being loud. I had to be straight listening and focusing. Some don't have purpose in their lives, some do. If more did, some of these things [violence and crime] wouldn't be happening. Violence is a not a purpose in life. People chose their own things in life, but people don't chose their purpose in life, God does. Sometimes we chose the wrong things in life. Once you kill someone, you are no longer known by your name, once you commit that crime, they are going to call you murderer. Let God lead us. My purpose was always with me until I sat down and listened. You can not learn until you sit still and listen," Rodgers advises.
She said that all seven songs "came to her" in one sitting, not over a matter of days. She is also quick to point out that she is grateful that Jennifer Canon and Pam Perry agreed to sing on the CD as well.
The CD can be purchased at a number of places, including in Blytheville at Christian World or at That Bookstore In Blytheville. It is also available online from CDBABY.COM, itunes, spotify, youtube, and Amazon.com.