"What if you had every single power at your fingertips?"
Author Clay F. Turner will debut his fantasy novel, "Lodesyia", in the "Lodesyia" series at That Bookstore in Blytheville from 1-3 p.m. Saturday, Aug. 29.
Turner, a local of Leachville and student at Arkansas State University, worked on Lodesyia for six years throughout his junior high, high school, and part of his college years before publishing it on Aug. 24, 2014. It was then officially released on Nov. 11 in Kindle as well as paperback format.
Set in the fictional galaxy of Aspasia, Loddy Clementine is a regular teenager until she discovers she has a dark spirit inside of her which may grant her any power known or unknown to man. She is called upon to save the entire galaxy from devastating war, but in her quest to stop the war, she must learn to control the dark spirit. Otherwise, it could end up destroying everyone and everything in existence. On top of all this, she must realize there are those around her who want to help her and those who want to exploit her power for their own selfish ambition.
Turner is available for interviews and appearances. For booking presentations, media appearances, interviews, and/or book signings contact clay.turner@smail.astate.edu.
For more information on the book signing contact That Bookstore in Blytheville at (870) 763-3333.
Turner invites everyone to check out his Facebook page at www.facebook.com/clayfturner; or his website at clayfturner.com for more information on Lodesyia.