The Airport and Utilities Committee discussed a proposed resolution "authorizing the issuance of sewer revenue refunding and construction bonds, and prescribing other matters pertaining thereto."
The city has been mandated by the Arkansas Department of Environmental Quality with a list of priorities. The proposed resolution, prepared by Stephens Inc., will allowed the city to sell approximately $3 million in bonds to pay for both the high priority ($2 million) and the low priority ($1 million) mandates, as well as retire existing bonds ($55,000) by the end of this year.
The bonds are to offer around 2-4% over the life of the bonds (15 years). The resolution will need full council approval before bonds can be issued.
Richard Depriest, Director of the Wastewater Department, said that both the 8th street pump station project and the curtains that were ordered last month are both on the way, but that the city was probably looking at the first week in September before they are going arrive and the projects are going to be begin.
Depriest also said that he was talking with Dennis Allen about giving the city a second bid, in addition to Jowers General Contracting, for the construction of the lab office.
Councilman Kevin Snow also told Depriest that the Parks and Recreation Committee had discussed wastewater problems at the Ritz and asked if the department had been contacted by the Ritz to have a look.
"I thought we had already taken care of that, but I'll make sure it is. The last time I was here Pastor (R.L.) Jones brought it to my attention. I'll make sure," Depriest said.
City Finance Director John Callens said that the Water Department has been looking to minimize backwater waste and to reduce chemical costs.
"I'll have much more information after tomorrow's meeting with engineers and the Health Department. We'll see what the Health Department has to say," Callens said.
The committee also discussed wholesale water fees and what could be done with any profits made in the future if the city decided to sell the water for profit. One suggestion was to reinvest into aging infrastructure of the city.
Councilman Kevin Snow also reported that the Airport is in the initial steps of applying for a grant to build six more hangers at the city airport. He also said that the airport is currently in phase one of construction which will be an office. Phase two of construction will be the building of a new terminal building, which will begin thereafter.