The Blytheville/Gosnell Regional Airport Authority confirmed last week that construction would begin Monday, July 13 for repair of the taxi and runways on the old airbase.
These repairs were made possible by two grants received by the BGRAA through Arkansas state. The construction will last five weeks and will require the taxi and runways to be completely shut down. Local contractor Dennis Allen Construction will be completing the repairs.
BGRAA President Barrett Harrison said that ART has carefully coordinated with the BGRAA so that the construction will not interfere with ART's business. However, planes are scheduled to come in as soon as the repairs are completed, so "it is very important that construction stays on schedule."
Where construction matters are concerned, the BGRAA also confirmed that the old dental clinic, swimming pool and part of the engineer building have been demolished and removed.
In other news, employee Dawn Guthrie of BGRAA announced her retirement, effective in 30 days. Guthrie is the last original employee of BGRAA since it was formed when the air base shut down 25 years ago.
"I'm sad to see her go, Dawn has been an incredible employee and, it will be hard to replace her," said Harrison.