July 2, 2015

Beginning July 6th, 2015 the Home Energy Assistance Program will be initiated to aid in the payment of utility bills for low to moderate income families in the Mississippi County area. The goal of this program is to aid any families struggling to make payments on utilities for the summer. For families to apply for assistance, income eligibility will be determined by comparing the households MCI with the income chart below...

Simon Brown

Beginning July 6th, 2015 the Home Energy Assistance Program will be initiated to aid in the payment of utility bills for low to moderate income families in the Mississippi County area. The goal of this program is to aid any families struggling to make payments on utilities for the summer. For families to apply for assistance, income eligibility will be determined by comparing the households MCI with the income chart below.

-- Household Size: (1) Income: $1533

-- Household Size: (2) Income: $2004

-- Household Size: (3) Income: $2476

-- Household Size: (4) Income: $2947

-- Household Size: (5) Income: $3419

-- Household Size: (6) Income: $3890

-- Household Size: (7) Income: $3979

-- Household Size: (8) Income: $4067

-- Household Size: (9) Income: $4156

-- Household Size: (10) Income: $4244

In cases where there are more than 20 individuals residing in the same household, add $86.00 to the MCI shown for a household size of 20. Payments for the utilities will be made to the electric provider from the Home Energy Assistance Program. Once again the program itself will begin on July 6th, and last until the end of summer or when funds have been depleted.

For more information about this program, contact the local EOC office at (870) 776-1054.
