Alderman Jason Stewart resigned his position on the Monette City Council during its regular meeting Monday, June 22.
"I have moved and no longer live in the ward I represent," Stewart said. "This is my last meeting. I have enjoyed serving on the council and thank you all."
The council and Mayor Chub Qualls thanked Stewart for his service. After a brief executive session, the council voted to come back in open session where Brandon Decker was nominated to fill Stewart's unexpired term on the council. The council approved that nomination unanimously with Stewart abstaining from the vote.
In other business Aldermen discussed an ordinance concerning the planning commission and state building code. The current ordinance says that permits would not be required unless it is a remodel of $15,000 or more or new construction but that amount is not in compliance with the state building code. The Arkansas code says that anything $2,000 and over requires a permit. Council members looked through amendments to the ordinance that would clarify the amount and state the Arkansas code that required the change.
"This just seems overly complicated," Alderman Jason Stewart said. "To me it shouldn't be this complex."
Other Aldermen agreed saying there needed to be something easier to understand brought to the council. The Council agreed unanimously to table the matter until next months meeting.
Mayor Qualls informed the council a police car was not purchased from the city of Jonesboro. Qualls said bids to move utilities on the by-pass are being advertised and will be opened July 8. He passed around to council member the survey for the new sewer plant and thanked Blaine Higginbotham for donating to the city the extra land needed for its construction. The council also accepted the 2014 water and sewer audit and agreed to purchase $500 worth of advertising from the Relay for Life.