June 10, 2015

M.A. Clark Lodge #18, F.&A.M. and Fidelity/Bethlehem Chapter #151, O.E.S. will sponsor a Prince Hall Affiliated (PHA) Family Reunion. The purpose of this PHAmily Reunion is to celebrate the annual Juneteenth Celebration which is the oldest known celebration commemorating the ending of slavery in the United States. ...

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M.A. Clark Lodge #18, F.&A.M. and Fidelity/Bethlehem Chapter #151, O.E.S. will sponsor a Prince Hall Affiliated (PHA) Family Reunion. The purpose of this PHAmily Reunion is to celebrate the annual Juneteenth Celebration which is the oldest known celebration commemorating the ending of slavery in the United States. This event is also designed to welcome all Active & Inactive Prince Hall Affiliated Masonic Members to come fellowship with fun, food, & remembrance. All active & inactive Masonic members, i.e. Freemasons, Order of Eastern Stars, Royal Arch, Knights Templar, Ancient Accepted Scottish Rite, & Shriners are encouraged to wear Masonic paraphernalia. This event will take place at the Rosenwald Park & Basketball Courts on June 19, 2015 from 10am - 2pm.

For more contact, please call Bro. Greg Brown at (870) 815-0178; Bro. Greg Baker at (870) 549-0249; or Sis. Johnetta Orr at (870) 740-0767.
