Six area titleholders descended on Blytheville last week for "Beauty Bootcamp". They arrived in town on Monday night where they were given a swim party and dinner by Don & Robin Houseworth and their local pageant directors. While there, they begin working on interview skills. The next morning, they hit the stage at the Blytheville High School Auditorium, where they began perfecting evening gown and swimsuit walks, and their talent presentations.
Each evening the Comfort Inn hosted interviews for the queens, where people in the community participated . During the week, they entertained at the Blytheville Lions, Kiwanis, Rotary Clubs and Westminister Village. All of these things helped to prepare them to compete in the state pageants in the next month.
The Miss Arkansas Outstanding Teen Pageant will be held in Russellville June 11-13. Our 3 teen candidates will be representing our area. They will be competing in private interview, academics, evening wear, active wear, and talent. Oliver and Miller will be performing a tap routine and Stafford performs a lyrical dance. The teens directors are Eva Lee Graves, Nancy Goodman, Denise Holdaway, Risa Mann, and Abby Whitener.
The Miss Arkansas Pageant will be held in Hot Springs on July 8-11. Three candidates will be competing in private interview, evening wear, swimsuit, on-stage questions, and talent. Raffo will be performing a lyrical dance, Whellis performs concert piano, and Jumper will perform an operatic vocal. Their directors are Marrietta Jerome, Tim Stone, and Abby Whitener.
After this long week, Executive Director, Marrietta Jerome, said "we've got 6 young women that are exceptional in every area and any one of them could take the state titles. They did survive bootcamp and are now ready to take on the entire state"! Jerome also wanted to thank everyone that helped by participating in mock interviews, BHS Bobby Ashley & Ms Irene, the entire staff at the Comfort Inn & Suites, Photographer Ashley George, and Perkins Restaurant.
To follow their state competition, "like" the Facebook page: Miss Northeast Arkansas/ Miss Lights of the Delta/ Miss River Delta.
Picture credit: Creative Touch Photography, Walnut Ridge
(l-r) Reagan Wheelis, Miss Lights of the Delta; Jessica Miller, Lights of the Delta Outstanding Teen, Emma Jumper Miss River Delta, Ellie Stafford, River Delta Outstanding Teen, Claudia Raffo, Miss Northeast Arkansas, Hannah Oliver . Northeast Arkansas Outstanding Teen