May 22, 2015

The Mississippi County Veterans Services office has moved its location in Blytheville, but is still offering the same hours and same help for veterans.

The Mississippi County Veterans Services office has moved its location in Blytheville, but is still offering the same hours and same help for veterans.

Jim Dixon has recently taken the position of county veteran's service officer, and said he is available to offer any help veterans need with filling out paperwork or arranging services. Dixon is himself a veteran of the Air Force, and has been in Blytheville since he left the service in 1979.

The county has four offices for veterans: the Mississippi County Annex building across from the public library in Blytheville, the third floor of the Osceola courthouse, Manila City Hall and the library at Westminster Village on the airbase.

Dixon keeps hours at each office on a regular schedule:

-- Blytheville (870-763-0509): Monday, Wednesday, Friday; 8:30 a.m.-4 p.m.

-- Osceola (870-563-1308): Tuesday;- 9-11 a.m.

-- Westminster Village (870-278-9295): Thursday; 1-4 p.m.

-- Manila (870-561-4437): Thursday, 9-11 a.m.
