Justice still not served in Jessica Williams case
To the editor:
There was a little girl raped and murdered, her name was Jessica Williams. There has been a conviction and sentence of 25 years for the rape of this child. It has been almost two years, and I've heard nothing on or about a murder trial.
Why is this? Has our legal system decided that the guy sentenced for her rape was enough?
She was not only rapped -- her little body was thrown over a bridge dumped like trash. Where is justice for her? Like I said, there is someone in jail for her rape, but has her murderer gotten away with killing a child?
I'm surprised no one has questioned this. Am I the only person that still has hope that this small little girl that can't speak for herself will someday be able to rest in peace? Someone has to be her voice. I guess I'll be more than happy to take the job.
Mad and upset that a murderer has gotten away with killing a helpless child. No wonder the world is like it is.