I am writing this as an extremely frustrated parent! My child, a sixth-grader at Gosnell Middle School, has been the victim of teacher bullying, assisted by office administration. I'm sure you find this appalling, as generally educators strike to prevent bullying, not create it.
I'm not at all indicating my child is perfect. I think we are all awaiting to meet the perfect child. However, while I do agree with punishment and consequences for inappropriate behavior, I feel this school has crossed the line and failed my child.
He has had corporal punishment administered WITHOUT my permission or notification. Ironically, after being accused of lying more than once to the teacher and assistant principal, they chose to believe him when he told them I was aware he might receive this form of discipline. Yes, you read that correctly ... that was their mode of defense as to why I was not notified prior to corporal punishment being administered. Adding to this, his teacher whirled him around by his backpack and pulled him until his back was up against the wall. The assistant principal did manage to admit that was inappropriate action by the teacher, but did not assure me that any action would be taken against her. I won't forget to mention the humiliation his teacher caused him in front of the entire class, by asking them to all raise their hands if they did not see him "walking" his punishment at recess. By the way, even after I called the assistant principal the next day with names of three other students that saw him walking, she didn't want to hear it and he was still made to walk for the rest of the week. Time nor space will allow me to name the many incidences at this school over the past year with this particular teacher and assistant principal.
Everyone will admit a youth in his pre-teen and teen years is quite the experience in everyday life with peers, without the influence of educators which only escalates the issues! I'm disappointed the school educators have failed our son and us. So what if this teacher is retiring in May. You would think she would want her last memories of her career to be she made a positive difference in a child, NOT that she created a year in his life that he will NEVER forget -- in a negative way. Sadly, my child is not her only victim this year. I know of others that are willing to come forward if I needed them to. However, I am hoping this will bring awareness that bullying is not only limited to peer and cyber-bullying but there are more and more teachers bullying their students and school administration assisting such actions by abusing their power and making excuses for their faculty that is so clearly in the wrong.
Thanks to his teacher and assistant principal for the memories you've created for my son this school year. I hope when you close your eyes at night, you see his humiliated look of defeat that you created too often for him this year, as I'm sure he will see your faces each night he closes his eyes and battle the weekly defeat he felt while in your care. He will forever remember how you failed him when it was your duty to care and help with success in this school year.
I'm so thankful this teacher is retiring this year, so no other child will have to endure what my child and others who have spoken to me, have had to endure.