April 22, 2015

The Blytheville/Gosnell Regional Airport Authority is looking to sell a building to Five Star Hydraulics, which is currently leasing the facility, known as Building 556.

Kayla Evans | Courier News

The Blytheville/Gosnell Regional Airport Authority is looking to sell a building to Five Star Hydraulics, which is currently leasing the facility, known as Building 556.

The BGRAA board held a meeting Wednesday to discuss the sale. The board agreed upon a price to send with BGRAA Chairman Don Houseworth, as a representative of the board, to strike a deal with Five Star in order to sell the property, thus to freeing the BGRAA of upkeep costs.

The board's mission statement is to sell the former Air Force property to reputable businesses that will bring money and jobs into the surrounding communities. Building 556 could be the first building to be sold since the BGRAA was started 25 years ago.

In other business, the BGRAA was approved for a $500,000 concrete grant from the state of Arkansas in order to repair the small taxiways and the airstrip. The BGRAA was also offered an additional $200,000 grant to go toward the repair of the airstrip concrete. The airstrip in the past has caused significant damage to planes as they pick up chunks of concrete.

